Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Special Guest! {SOLC} March 24, 2015 #sol15

It is rare that my mom gets to visit us mid-week but tonight we got to spend the entire evening with her.  My parents live about two hours away from us where I grew up and, although, we see each other regularly, a weekday visit is a real treat!  Life is different during the week and we have different rituals and routines than on the weekends.  

Mom got to have dinner with us, play a game with the kids, listen to my middle son read and we went out for frozen yogurt.  While these moments may seem like simple things we do everyday, it is those everyday moments that often mean the most!  I loved having her here to spend time with us and I know she enjoyed being part of our day, evening and week.  

If you have family that lives close, don't take it for granted.  While my parents don't live too far away, it's still not driveable for a weekday trip.  Today, I am thankful for the memories we made and for my mom!

1 comment:

  1. Precious and I love the focus of your writing about enjoying the moments you are able to have. I can just tell your mom loved every moment of tonight.
