Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Right Now! {SOLC} March 16, 2015 #sol15

Right now...

I am waiting which happens often in our lives...waiting is a part of most days.

I am writing...thinking about what words I will use to convey and capture this particular moment in time.

I am thinking...about my day, how to coordinate everything that needs done, not forget anything and playing the day over and over in my head.

I am feeling is going to be over 60 degrees in Ohio today; who wouldn't be excited!

I am I type on my phone as I write.

I am people conduct business...children speak with their parents...Finding Nemo playing in the TV on the wall.

I am I begin my pay attention to what is around me and inside my head...trying to be the moment...recognizing what's around me.


  1. This is a lovely poem that reminds me how much I need to pause and reflect! I am always in such a rush. I thought once the kids got older (now 13 and 16), things would slow down; but we are always on the go. Thanks for reminding me to take a breath!

  2. Wasn't today a gift? I live in Central Ohio and I savored every minute of sunshine. I even opened windows in the house. :) I like the structure of your post and the repetition of the phrase I am... I hear it's not going to be warm like this again until after Easter. LOL
