After getting all the kids to bed and getting myself ready to relax this evening, I throw my dirty clothes into the hamper only to find six army men, Rex from Toy Story 3 and an airplane staring back at me. Oh, it's the little things that make me smile. Yes, I am sure I can guess whose little hands put all those toys in our clothes hamper. It was the same little hands whose fingernails I cut at bedtime tonight. It was the same little hands that carry around a toy in each hand all day just to have something to hold. It was the same little hands who love to color and dig in the dirt. It was also the same little hands that grab my face at night and turn my head so he can kiss my ears or eyes. Those little, sweet, precious toddler hands belong to my Liam Christopher.
That boy can be one of the sweetest yet one of the fussiest kids I know and, yet, I love every bit of him! He is every bit of two and one half years old and is just so loveable. He is my emotional kiddo and gets his feelings hurt easily, but he truly is a blessing from God. I loved finding the army men in the hamper tonight because it was a reminder to me to stop and slow down and again, Thank God for allowing to be the mother of three amazing kids!